Three reasons to send your kids to summer camp

  • Taylor Hembree
    Taylor Hembree

Each year summer rolls around and plans are made.

Whether it’s a family vacation, trips to visit the grandparents or playing with friends at home — summer is all about letting loose and having a good time.

And what better way to have a good time than to experience new things and meet new friends? Summer camps are the best way to do just that.

There are summer camps all around the lake area, and The Plaza is offering two this summer.

Art Camp is so fun.

Filled with new projects every day, kids work with our After School Art (Second Saturday Crafts) volunteers to learn new mediums and create unique pieces of art.

Working outside and inside, kids at Art Camp are not limited to what inspires them.

This week of camp is such a great way to get your kids creating this summer. Art Camp is for rising first through fifth graders. The Plaza also has Camp Broadway.

The camp week is a blast, working on production the whole time. From learning acting parts and singing to helping build the set and costumes, Camp Broadway is always a blast for students.

This year, the week culminates in a production of Stone Soup. Camp Broadway is for rising third through eighth-graders.

Whether signing up for a creative camp this summer or something else, it is always a good idea to keep kids’ minds active. Here are three other reasons to send your kids to camp this summer:

1. Gaining more independence. By letting your child attend a camp, you are giving your kid an opportunity to thrive and explore with other kids their age. Without their grandparents or parents attending camp with them, kids can grow their confidence, social skills and so much more.

2. Relaxation. Summer camp doesn’t necessarily involve graded activities or intense competitions. Kids can use this time to relax from the everyday stressors that school tends to bring on.

3. Making new friends. When kids attend a camp, they are around like-minded kids. This gives campers an opportunity to form bonds over activities, all the while having fun and making memories.

All in all, sending your kids to summer camps is something that is never a bad idea.

Whether looking for something to stay active or stay social, there are lots of camps to suit your needs. The Plaza has the creative camps covered.

Register online at or give our office a call at 706-923-1655.