OSHM transports visitors back in time

  • An accurate representation of the building’s original purpose brings back memories for those old enough to remember. CONTRIBUTED
    An accurate representation of the building’s original purpose brings back memories for those old enough to remember. CONTRIBUTED
  • The replica drugstore soda fountain at the Old School History Museum provides a glimpse into Eatonton’s past. CONTRIBUTED
    The replica drugstore soda fountain at the Old School History Museum provides a glimpse into Eatonton’s past. CONTRIBUTED
There’s plenty of old-school influence around Eatonton and Putnam County, but none so literal as the Old School History Museum in the south wing of The Plaza Arts Center on Madison Street. Originally, the “Old School” of the current museum was the new school for the county after a devastating fire in January 2016 consumed the original Eatonton School. Local residents quickly rallied and hired…

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