Army of EMS vehicles respond to fire in Reynolds

  • A fire at the Lingerlonger Steakhouse caused smoke and minor water damage as firefighters were able to get the fire under control quickly. CONTRIBUTED
    A fire at the Lingerlonger Steakhouse caused smoke and minor water damage as firefighters were able to get the fire under control quickly. CONTRIBUTED

It may have sounded like a disaster of biblical proportions at Reynolds Lake Oconee on the evening of March 8, but it was actually a combination of emergencies all occurring at once.

According to Greene County’s Emergency Management Agency Director Joe Bashore, units were responding to several medical calls that came in within about 20 minutes as well as a fire at the Lingerlonger Steakhouse near the Ritz hotel.

No injuries were reported as a result of the blaze, but the business did sustain some damage.

Bashore said there was some smoke damage and minimal water damage to the building. Bashore also said the fire was under control within 20 minutes.

“It was difficult,” Bashore said. “There are a lot of voids in the building. Once we figured out what we needed to do it didn’t take that long to get it under control.

Firefighters stayed on the scene for quite a while out of an abundance of caution due to the way the buildings were constructed.

“We wanted to make sure the fire didn’t reignite in any of the voids, so we were pretty careful about it.”

Firefighters and EMS personnel from the Greensboro Fire Department, Walker Church Fire Department as well Putnam County Fire Department, and Madison Fire and Rescue teamed up to fight the fire.